Newport IOW Shotokan Karate Club
Newport IOW Shotokan Karate » News 2023

The first course of the year SEKU instructors class Portsmouth. Sensei's Mick, Andy, Simon and Malc attended. The first class was Yaku-zuki with different attack and counter applications. The second class was kata Nijushiho and the last was bunkai for the Kata. The class was well attended
Annual Award Presentation 2022
January 17th

Congratulations to Simon Barnes and Connor Taylor-Barnes for being awarded the Sensei Malc Bradley annual award for karate excellence for 2022. This was presented to them by Malcs daughter Emma Ram and son Nathan Bradley.This award is in memory to Sensei Malc Bradley who was senior instructor at the club for many years who sadly passed away in on December 31st 2021. The trophy is awarded for the student who has excelled in their training over the year. Simon & Connor have both done this by passing their respected dan grades. Connor his junior Sho-Dan and Simon his San-Dan.
Also the long standing Tony Hunns adult award went to Rob Morrison presented by Amanda & Jess Osman (daughter and granddaughter) and the Sensei Dave Meyrick Junior award was presented by Sensei Andy Shorkey to Zac Tigwell.
Both Rob & Zac has shown commitment and improvement over the year and both have hardly missed any training sessions.

Wellcome back Sam & Tom Porter after a 4 year break. Sam & Tom both achieved they junior dan grades in February 2016 and over the years they have won many trophies in different categories.
Nice to have two more dan grades, that makes eleven who regularly train at the club.
SEKU Black & Brown Belt Course
Sunday February 26th

Ten club members traveled to Portsmouth for an excellent Shotokan of England Karate Union black & brown belt course.
The course was well attended with good spirit and attitude from everyone. The class content was a revision on the five Heian kata's and kata Kanku-Dai
Attendance of these courses are considered to be part of your dan gradings syllabus, So its important to attend as many as possible.
Club Grading March 12th

Congratulations to everyone who graded and passed their respective grades today. The effort in the training and grading was 110%
Sensei Brian Smith was well pleased with the standard of all students.
Congratulations to Jess Osman for being awarded the best grader.
SEKU All Grade Course
March 26th

Sixteen club members traveled to Portsmouth for a S.E.K.U all grade course. The content was Kata Tekki-Shodan.
The kata was broken down into segments working on the stance and the moves, then it was performed in its entirety and finished with close quarter bunkai (applications) Everyone enjoyed the day and its always nice to pair up with someone from a different club.
Instructors Class And Go-Dan Grading

Club Members That Trained

Congratulations to Sensei’s Andy Shorkey and Malc Jupp for successfully grading for their Go-Dan grade (5th dan black belt) at a Shotokan of England Karate Union instructor’s class on Sunday September 24th
Andy who started training in 1993 performed Kanku-Sho as his chosen kata. Malc who started training in 1990 performed Gojushiho-Dai as his. They also had to demonstrate full and explicit application of Bunkai for their relative katas.
The grading panel of Sensei’s Mick Dewey, Brian Smith and Alan Lewis asked them to perform kata’s Heian-Shodan and Kanku-Dai
They also had to perform Jiyu-Ippon sho, Jiyu-Ippon Ni, Kaeshi-Ippon Kumite and Randori kumite.
They both joined the main class with Andy demonstrate the basics of Yoko-Geri Kekomi (side kick) and the ability to apply the technique. And Malc teaching the fundamentals of Juji-Uke (X block) with application.
To achieve this high-level grade, it takes years of discipline, dedication and training.
The club now has three 5th dans instructors and a total of 11 different levels of black belts that regularly train at the club.
Go-Dan Deploma Presentation

Sensei Malc Receiving His 5th Dan Diploma

Sensei Andy Receiving His 5th Dan Diploma

Club Members

Sensei Malc Receiving His 5th Dan Diploma
Sensei's Malc Jupp And Andy Shorkey Were Presented With Their 5th Dan Diploma's From A Resent Instructors Class And Grading
Club Grading November 19th

Club Members

Black & Brown Belts

Brent Salt Best Grader Award

Club Members
Excellent club grading today with Sensei Brian Smith. Congratulations to everyone who graded and passed their relevant grades. the effort and commitment was 100%
Also well done to Brent Salt who was awarded the best grader award.
The black and brown course was well attended and we went through finer points of kata Jitte.
SEKU All Grade Course And Junior Compatition

Excellent Shotokan of England Karate Union all grade course and junior competition yesterday Sunday December 3rd.
The course content was Kihon and Heian kata's.
Congratulations to all the juniors that entered the competition for many it was their first time. It's a great experience to be paired up with students from different clubs and the pressure of performing in front of an audience, everyone walked away with a medal. Thank you to all the parents who came along to support the competitors.