Newport IOW Shotokan Karate Club
Newport IOW Shotokan Karate » News 2016

Black & Brown Belt Course And Dan Grading February 7th 2016
Members of the club attended the first black & brown belt course of the year. The course content was basic’s followed by Kata Kanku-Dia for the brown belts and Bassia-Sho for the black belts. Both Kata were taught in depth with many different Bunkai (application of the moves).
Three junior members of Newport Shotokan Karate Club successfully graded for their junior 1st dan black belt at a Shotokan of England black and brown belt course and grading on Sunday 7th February at the Medina Leisure Centre Newport Isle of Wight.
Bethan Stafford-Bower who is 12 and started training at the club in 2011 when she was 7, Tom Porter who is 11 and is one of the youngest on the island to achieve this grade also started training in 2011 when he was only 6 and Sam Porter who is 13 started training in 2009 when he was 7. After a 3 hour training session they had to perform in front of a grading panel. The grading consists of basic techniques (punching, striking, kicking and blocking) and combinations of any techniques, 2 Kata (set moves) and also Jiyu-Ippon kumite (Pre arrange fighting) and Jiyu kumite (free fighting) The S.E.K.U chief instruction Sensei Mick Dewey 8th dan said he was very impressed with the standard of all three. They has shown discipline and commitment and hours of training over the years to achieve this grade.
Other members that trained were Sensei's Malc & Mick, Cory Swinfield Jenson & Rocco Walsh, and Oliver Paynter-Jones

Sunday 13th March the club held its first grading of the year, Sensei Mick Dewey 8th Dan was the grading examiner.
Sensei’s Malc & Mick would like to congratulate all the students that graded and passed.
And also to Ned Casserly for winning the trophy for best junior grader and Andrew Jones for winning the best adult grader on the day.

The class content was basics, kata and pair work for the BL/BR belt class. Sensei also presented
Bethan Stafford-Bower, Tom & Sam Porter their Sho-Dan Diplomas for passing their 1st Dan black belt in March 2016

Sensei Malc Bradley 5th Dan Grading June 12th 2016
Congratulations to Newport Karate Club chief Instructor Malc Bradley who was awarded his 5th Dan at the SEKU Instructor Class on June 12th 2016. Malc has been training and instructing at the club for over 40 years and for this grading sensei had to teach the class kata Jiin, showing and performing the different moves and bunkai (applications of the moves) After the grading the SEKU Senior Instructors congratulate him on his well deserved award.

Sensei Chris Carr Training June 25th & 26th 2016
Thank you Sensei Chris Carr for another excellent training weekend. As usual Sensei's training was a mix of basics, kata and Kumite instructed in his own way. Good old school Karate.

Black & Brown Belt Course And Dan Grading July 10th 2016
Congratulations to club member Jenson Walsh for successfully grading to junior Sho-Dan at the S.E.K.U black & brown belt course and dan-grading at Portsmouth. After a three hour training session Jenson who has been training for four and a half years had to perform his grading before the SEKU grading panel. The grading comprised of Basics, Kata & Kumite. In Jesons words. I am so proud to have passed my black belt and would like to thank my Sensei's and club members for their support in my training.
Club Grading 27th July 2016
Sensei’s Malc & Mick would like to congratulate all the students that graded and passed.
And also to Connor Taylor-Barnes who is only seven for winning the trophy for best junior grader and Andrew Jones for winning the best adult grader on the day.

Club Grading Sunday 13th November 2016
Congratulations to everyone that graded today and also to Dan Moss for receiving the award for the best adult grader and Katherine Bradshaw for the best junior.
The Dave Meyrick junior award was presented to Jenson Walsh, and the Tony Hunns adult award was presented to Malc Bradley.
The awards are presented in memory of Sensei’s Tony Hunns and Dave Meyrick who were both long time members of the club and sadly passed away in July 2012.The awards are for the club members that have excelled, improved and shown commitment in their Karate training, and also the number of training sessions attended. They are presented annually by Tony and Dave's families.

S.E.K.U Championships March 19th 2016
Congratulations to all club members that entered S.E.K.U championships. Jenson & Rocco Walsh, Sam & Tom Porter, Bethan Stafford Bower Malc Jupp, Andy Shorkey, .
Special thanks to Tom Croft from Chichester KC for making up the numbers in the men's team Kumite.
Portsmouth Open Championships November 19th 2016
Another successful day at the Portsmouth open. The junior Kata team of Jenson Walsh Sam & Tom Porter followed their winning ways in the S.E.K.U comp with another 1st place. Cory Swinfield who has been out of competition action for a year returned with a 1st place in the junior over 5' Kumite and a 4th in the junior 3rd kyu and above Kata. Sam Porter came 2nd also in the junior 3rd kyu and above Kata. Jenson Walsh came 3rd in the over 5' San-bon kumite. Connor Barnes who is only seven and entering his first competition came 2nd in the pee-wee San-bon kumite and 3rd in the pee-wee Kata. and finally a second place for Malc Jupp, Andy Shorkey and Jim King in the adult team kumite.
Jenson, Sam & Tom 1st Junior Team Kata
Jenson & Tom 3rd. Over 5ft Sanbon Kumite
Rocco 3rd. Under 5ft Sanbon Kumite
Benthan 4th. Girls Kumite
Andy, Malc & Tom. 3rd Adult Team Kumite
Jenson, Sam & Tom 1st. Junior Team Kata
Cory Swinfield. 1st Junior Over 5ft kumite
Sam Porter. 2nd. Junior Kata 3rd Kyu Above
Cory Swinfield 4th Junior Kata 3rd Kyu Above
Jeson Walsh. 3rd. Over 5ft Sanbon Kumite
Connor Barnes 2nd. Pee-Wee Sanbon Kumite
Connor Barnes. 3rd. Pee-Wee Kata
Malc,Andy & Jim. 2nd. Adult Team Kumite